Happy WCMD! For those of you who don't know what that is, it is World Cardmaking Day, and cardmakers all over the world are creating their hearts out today! I just may join you all later but right now I'm on baby duty. While I've really enjoyed crafting, Amelia Grace is, by far, the most wonderful creation I've had any part in in my entire life! Glen and I are so blessed to have her in our lives - it is an amazing journey every single day! :)
It is strange to look back at my blog and find that where I used to post nearly every day (or at least multiple times a week) was reduced to about once a week when I was very pregnant to now where I haven't even thought of the blog in about 6 weeks! Amelia just turned a month old yesterday and the time has flown by! I can't say I know much about what has happened in the world since we went to the hospital on September 3rd. But, I know a lot about soothing a crying baby, diapering, breast feeding, and making up words to silly songs to sing to my daughter.
Having Amelia was a miracle. Though by far not the oldest to ever have a baby, I am 43 and was 39 when we started trying, we knew it may be tough, but had no idea what we were in for. We suffered through two miscarriages in 2010/2011 and 3 failed IUI and 2 failed IVF treatments in 2011/2012. After our last IVF in May 2012, we decided to focus our money and energy on purchasing our home, which we did in August last year, and opened our hearts to the possibility of life without children. Glen and I have such an amazing bond, we were excited to see what that would mean and set about making the home of our dreams. Well, lo and behold, we found out we were pregnant in January and our whole plan was turned upside down - my craft room still hasn't been unpacked and we diverted money from our "home improvements" bucket to the "creating a nursery" bucket (though I'd say that was the best improvement we could have made...)
On this WCMD, I may not make a card, but I will be spending it doing what I now love, which is to make this wonderful little girl smile! I'll be back to crafting one day soon (having her has really inspired the creativity in our home - Glen is writing more music and I have started working on a Project Life album) but in the meantime, I'll be busy with little toys, the smallest clothes I've ever seen, and parlaying my crafty fingers to figure out how to trim her tiny nails (tying little bows are a piece of cake now!)
Thank you, Lord, for blessing us with Amelia - a little angel sent from heaven to make us laugh and fill our hearts with the most joy we could imagine!